The team reflected on the lesson, highlighting the evidence
of learning from the students who were engaged in a variety of tasks, all centered
on the holidays. The students
collaborated, used technology to research, and discussed their learning. They persevered through some challenges which
resulted in the creation of a cool hands-on project.
Some students succeeded quickly, where others failed and tried again. Some worked cooperatively, while other worked
alone. Students had voice and choice in
where they sat and who they worked with.
It was a very positive visit for all involved, but it was the reflection
from the teachers that made it all worth it.
Over lunch, the team described the way that they worked
together as educators. (This hacked
lesson study was a part of a 2 month project with multiple classroom visits.) They shared how they had texted each other
last night with a new twist on the lesson.
They talked about their plans for what they wanted to do next. They wondered about the possibilities of a
classroom swap. Their enthusiasm was
truly infectious!
Keep in mind, these aren’t teachers who knew each other well
or were friends outside of this project.
These are teachers from three very different school districts, all
teaching completely different subjects and grade levels—elementary, middle
school social studies, high school English, and high school biology. They were assigned to a group to participate
in this professional learning endeavor through our consortium, but somehow have
come together to become an innovative thinking powerhouse.
The team gushed about the energy they felt during the
morning’s lesson. They marveled over the
skills and empowerment that the students demonstrated during the lesson. They begged (pretty much) to continue working
together because they loved the opportunity to visit each other’s classrooms
and share insights on how to improve their instruction. They confessed that they wouldn’t want to
work on any other team—that their placement on this team felt so right. They asked to take on a leadership role
within our consortium and were overjoyed at the thought of being able to mentor
new teachers coming into the project in the New Year. They continued to brainstorm ideas and talk
about things they wanted to pursue together.
Professional learning is their passion.
As their colleague and “coach”, I am amazed at their drive
to become better educators. I am
ecstatic about the possibilities for these teachers to be leaders and learners,
but I think one teacher summed it up best when she said:
“When I’m with this
team, I’m my best self!”
And that my
friends, is the power of a professional learning network. As you reflect on 2017 and consider what you
will accomplish in 2018, I hope that you surround yourself with a team that
helps you to become your best self.
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